Christopher Boeke January 2014 Winner

Christopher Boeke won the January contest and selected the Basic Rider Course as his prize. Here is his winning entry.

I’m a FT student with a heavy class load making it hard for me to make any extra money for things like your course. My parents are divorced so they do not have extra money and what extra they do have goes to help pay for my college. My dad rides a motorcycle and will help me learn to ride but not till I take your course first and learn the proper basics and fundamentals of riding. He was saving up money to put me in the class as a Xmas present but other things came up so it will have to wait.

AMSAF Chairman Mick Degn discuss winning the January contest and the training provided by Team Arizona and AMSAF.



January 2014 Rider Course Contest Winner

January 2014 Rider Course Contest Winne